PRIN HEATED: Activities
The activity of the first year mainly concentrated on the study of the phreatic deposits of the 1873 - 1888 activity of La Fossa Volcano (Vulcano, Eolian Islands). Field activity revealed the presence of several deposits of phreatic events which preceded the last eruption of Vulcano (1888-90). Trace of these events is also present in the detailed chronicles written by Mercalli and Silvestri (1891) and De Fiore (1922). The deposits of these eruptions will be the object of a detailed study in the next months.
The deposits of the most intense phreatic activity of this period, named Breccia de Fiore, have been correlated with a sequence of events occurred on September-October 1873; these have been studied in detail and a physical modeling of this type of activity has been also performed.